


                    Committed to becoming an innovator, changer and leader in the ophthalmic medical equipment service industry!

Core value

                  Scientific and technological innovation —— Skywavemed based on long-term development, rooted in scientific and technological innovation, brave to meet new challenges.

                    People-oriented —— Respect for employees, pay more attention to the training of employees with service sentiments, and encourage employees to work hard and happily to better serve customers.                   

                  Unity and assistance —— Team assistance is the Skywavemed gene, so that ordinary people form an extraordinary team, beyond the extraordinary goal.

                  Customer first—— Know how to always fear and appreciate customers, go all out to meet customer needs and exceed customer expectations


              Integrity —— Do things honestly, both internally and externally!

              Customer achievement —— Committed to customer satisfaction, and then exceed customer expectations!

              Entrepreneurship and innovation —— Innovation is endless, entrepreneurship practice in action!

              Diversity and win-win —— Open mind, complementary advantages, diversified cooperation, benefit people to win!

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