
  • Holmium Laser Equipment

    Holmium laser for professional maintenance (wavelength 2.1um)

  • Excimer Laser Halogen Exhaust Filter

    Halogen Exhaust Filter:To provide Argon fluoride gas filter element for excimer lasers of various brands.

  • 100 Phaco Trolley. – Sewagull --100

    Suitable for a variety of convenient Phaco equipment, universal locking、flexible movement、 electric lifting、display clear ruler. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

  • Phaco Trolley. – Sewagull --300

    Enhance the integrated image of specific and convenient phaco equipment, complete with surgical trays to facilitate the operation of medical staff, computer online interface to realize the automatic lifting of personalized liquid bottles, the trolley can move in a universal direction, and any position locking. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

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